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Jessie: The Maverick

Updated: May 6

Theme of Jessie - Wholesome(Elsword Online - Event)

Jessie - Other adventurers

Vital Info:

Age: 26

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 69 kg

Element: Wind

Race: Hute - Feraline

Life Gem Type: Bracelet

Fighting Style: Crossbow shots, traps, and beginner magic

Initial Class: Maverick

Origin: Central Aldoria

Affiliation: Supporter of the Throne of Aldoria


  • Mishiru

  • Amara

  • Kasai

  • Her mother

  • Non-violent situations

  • Living in Raldin


  • Fighting

  • Violence

  • Being forced into a "rivalry" with Amara

  • Tommy and Timmy's constant fighting over her

  • Her father's recent actions

Parameter Growth:

HP: Average

MP: Average

Attack: Above Average

Defense: Average

Magic Attack: Above Average

Magic Defense: Above Average

Agility: Top Tier

Spirit: Below Average

Key Abilities:

Power Shot - One powerful shot aimed at an enemy

Shock/Poison/Smoke Trap - Minimal damage but has a chance to inflict status effects

Medica - Initial healing spell

Acceleration - Speed raising spell


Jessie is a kind hearted person that works in Raldin guild as a receptionist that helps people get jobs for income. She meets Mishiru and Amara when they came to the guild and assisted them with a job. She does not like fighting or anything violent at all. She opts to join Mishiru on her journey after events involving Jessie's own father occurred in Raldin. 

Combat Profile:

Amara is the only person that compares to Jessie's speed in battle. What separates the two, is that Jessie has better defenses and a unique ability that allows her to take another turn during battle at a percent chance. Her stats are all around balanced and can be a physical or magical attacker. She also gets support magic, allowing her to fill nearly any role in battle. 

Additional Info:

Jessie is a fan of wearing dresses and skirts as she choose to wear above. She does not wear one while traveling with the group however. But, in battle, she usually wears something light to help her maneuverability.

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