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Short Adventure Patch Notes and Update Log

Updated: Aug 15

This is a running log of everything that is updated in the game and when it is implemented. This is also included in the game folder as a text file. Be warned that these notes will contain MAJOR SPOILERS about what's in the game and what is to come, so read at your own risk.


Released the initial demo to a few testers.

Fixed typos, spelling, and grammar errors.

Changed the music in the Capital City weapon shop due to Twitch muting Karma's vod.

Added the burn status effect to the game and to certain skills.

Fixed descriptions of various effects to correctly display when a female or male is affected.

Changed the placement of the nun NPC in the shopping square of the Capital City.

Added barriers near the shop to prevent the nun NPC from interfering with Tour Guide's movement during her tour auto movement.

Added version history to main menu and buyer warning to main menu screen.

Added option to exit game from main menu.

Began process of adding voices.


Mishiru's battle voices fully added.

Jessie's battle voices fully added.

Amara's battle voices fully added.

Added a parallel switch on various maps to ensure voices work at all times when updating a game.

Balanced some skills and changed the level when certain skills are learned.

Edited some skill descriptions.

Shara's battle voices fully added.

Risa's battle voices fully added.

Dashell's battle voices fully added.


Rebalanced a few character's HP values for smoother gameplay for newcomers to the game and genre type. This mainly affects Mishiru and Kasai.

Added Raldin Shaft as the next dungeon.

Alexander's battle voices fully added (they are the same as Dashell's, for now...).

Fixed typos, spelling, and grammar errors.

Changed the game title.

Began work on HUD and GUI overhaul.


Kasai's voices fully added.

Raldin Shaft dungeon sections design finished.


Patched an issue after the Aldo-Rald Woods boss where a party member joined unexpectedly. Found on Angie's (damagecontrolblog) stream.

Raldin Shaft Settlement built. Began patching in cutscenes.

Created a MP charge skill for Mishi based on feedback.

Created elemental standard attacks for much of the cast. These do no cost anything and have the same power as normal attacks. They are under techniques.

Reworked the entire cutscene that occurs at UCA. Also created a progression warning at the event.

Reworked the cutscene in the Aldorian Forest to allow players to have more time with Amara and Risa before reaching the boss.

Redesigned Amara's look.

Fixed an issue with the brick wall in Aldorian Forest pathway.


Adjusted Risa's, Dashell's, and Alexander's speed.

Fully added a cutscene to enhance the story at the beginning after the UCA scene and after leaving the Aldorian Forest the second time.

Fixed an issue where the cutscene NPCs appeared in the Raldin weapon and armor shop after completing the cave but before going to the guild.

Fixed typos, grammar, and punctuation errors.


Rebalanced and added skills.

Developed the characters Travis, Tissa, Andres, Celica and Iveliz.


Lowered the HP of many of the enemies, including bosses, for an easier experience and more gradual difficulty increase.

Began adding many new weapons and armor and adjusted the previous equipment stats. The shops will be adjusted to reflect new equipment.

Began adding the arm and additional accessory slots. Previous save files will no longer be compatible as the game will freeze when attempting to access the accessory slots.

Adjusted some skills and added new skills. Previous saves will not be compatible as the skill list in game will be empty.

Fixed an issue where the cutscene that played when returning to the Capital City for the second time would play when entering the city for the first time.


Reworked the rooms in the Aldorian Forest for smoother progression and to avoid a serious bug and coding issue if certain events were skipped by the player.


Created an intro video when starting a new game. Other videos will be made.

Created an experience boost effect.

Added a music credits.


Added Travis Anderson to the party after Shara leaves the Capital City. He is present at this time during the written story, so he is added to make the game a bit more consistent with the writings.

The Gryphon boss has been adjusted due to the addition of Travis.

Some skills and techniques have been adjusted. Mainly Risa - Cleave was overpowered.


Massive skill adjustments and rebalances for much of the playable cast.

New skills added for some characters.

Redesigned a few characters.

Fixed bugs, spelling, punctuation etc.


Created non-elemental as a damage type for magic. This avoids magic without an element being physical damage.

The stat Luck was changed to Spirit.

Adjusted stats for several characters. Mainly the attack and spirit stats were adjusted for much of the cast.


Extended the demo portion of the game to include Kasai, Esmeralda, and Escarlata as playable in the story sections.

More stat adjustments made for characters. This should make parts of the game easier for less experienced/skilled players. Mainly affects Mishiru and Amara.

Completed adding video sections for certain parts of the game.

Developed the characters Estrellada, Varis, and Angela.

Adjusted certain skills strength. Certain skills were weaker than a character's standard attack.

Created the Muria Lake dungeon.


Major UI overhaul completed. I messed around with a few things, but ultimately decided against a few plugins and came up with something that will work. The font and UI as a whole is adjusted to look more visually pleasing on the eyes and more detailed information is provided. Also, there is now colored text and icons in instances when an item is acquired for more visual clarity.

Escarlata is now fully voiced.

Changed the sprite for the second Raldin Shaft boss. This was to make it easier to see if/when status effects are inflicted. A plugin that I decided not to use was making it impossible to see status effects due to the sheer size of the sprite in game.

Fixed spelling, typos, and grammar.

Created the Tashir Arena and Tashir Arena waiting room areas.

Most objects are now able to be interacted with for a more lively feeling world.

More mini cutscenes are added for the same reason as above.

Adjusted Kiara's sprite to fit her background more.

Developed the character Melrose.

Created the Dagger weapon type.

All save points inside of town/villages will not heal you and only will save. Save points in dungeons will still heal along with save.

Saving is still allowed anywhere - I haven't yet decided to remove this feature.

Extended the duration of certain status effects. Mainly burn, stun, and paralysis.

Greatsword weapon class developed. Will be for Risa. Risa will no longer be able to use the standard sword.


Esmeralda voices added.

Varis and Travis voices added. (Still using Dashell, for now, until I can get more voices.)


Completed extra story content and bonus content for the demo.

Completed adding voices for all characters that are playable.

Rebalanced some skills and abilities.

Developed the characters Default Dude, Karma, Faith and Brimada.

Fixed some bugs, errors, typos etc.

Renamed a few areas.

Added a few save points in areas. This is to prepare for the removal of the save anywhere feature. It will be in testing soon.

Auto-battle feature failed to be added. The plugins that I attempted to use broke the game.

Same thing for the attempt to revise the battle UI for a second time. The game froze upon start up when the plugin was activated.

Victory Aftermath UI has been updated! The screen is now more visually pleasing and less cluttered for a better experience when completing a battle. (THANK GOD!)

A tutorial has been added at the start of the game (is optional - can be skipped).

The lengths of movie cutscenes has been added, along with an option to skip them entirely if a player wishes not to see it.

All male characters have their own voices.

Sound Theater has been added. Can be accessed from the bonus area after the main story portion of the demo has been completed.

Alhest, Alhest Alley, Security Hall areas have been created.

The ability to warp back to the other end of the Aldo-Rald woods is given as an option after the cutscene plays. This was due to tester confusion/getting lost trying to navigate the woods.

Voice for many of Shara's lines raised. Strangely enough, her voice would be so low at times during battle, her voice would simply be unable to he heard. This fix should make all of her battle sounds able to be heard.

Music added at certain parts to make moments a bit more tense.


Game has undergone a full test to check for more bugs/errors/etc.


First public demo released.


Was made known of a bug that occurs for Linux users in the tutorial when accessing the Default Dude's equipment.

Since the Default Dude's equipment is not meant to be changed. Menu access has been locked for that section since I have no way of locking access to the equipment menu otherwise. It also has been locked in another instance where the Default Dude appears.

Adjusted some skills power, effects, and potency.


Was made known of a crash that occurs when entering the Capital City item shop due to the music not loading. I believe that this was a coding issue. Also fixed a few errors and coding issues as well as corrected the hidden moon atomizer pickup in the Capital

City main square.


Close to 100 errors/bugs/tec. have been fixed, changed, or corrected.

A small balance change made to Amara's unique accessory.

Added the character Suze to the database.

An official wiki has been started and is up and running.

Added a quality of life change that will play a short 5 - 7 second video at the start and end of each story sector.

Pause feature added in game. Pausing can be done when not in a menu or battle with the F1 button or the equivalent of the select button on your controller.


Restored menu access in the tutorial area and the demo end area. The crash that was reported in the 04/27 notes seem to be exclusive to Linux users only.

Developed the Default Gal character to be in the end demo scenes to prevent my confusion when locking equipment


More bugs and errors corrected.

Arabian/desert theme tile set installed. This will allow me to further diversify the next area that I am working on. Credit is given in the credit text document.


Major bug fixes made.

Item bug that did not give Moon Atomizers and instead gave Ice Packs corrected.

Volume issues that had certain movie sounds playing really loud has been adjusted.

Movie length has been extended for most movie scenes to improve the experience for slower readers.

Movie font has been ajusted for easier readability.

Additional typo, error, and grammar fixes.


Emergency patch for a black screen that occurred when viewing the first cutscene in the Cocoran Bridge.

Changed the title screen's appearance. It now shows both versions of Mishiru.


Developed and placed voices for Clarke.

Post demo content development continues.

Limited time optional bosses created.


Game has been approved for release on Steam. The website will be update to reflect this.

Iysta region created.


Launch day update made. Quality of life changes. Added text and dialogue in many boss battles. Reconfigured how certain battles worked out for better storytelling. Fixed a few bugs/errors, changed the ability to save - players will only be able to save at save points or on the world map. Redid the design for the characters Amy and Lisa. Known issue with stats on characters will be addressed in the next major update - I have already fixed it but the update itself is not ready yet as I am still making content.


Small balance changes made to certain enemies and moves. These will be applied in the next major update that is planned in a few weeks.

Fleshed out the entire Iysta region and completed the creation of the optional Iysta dungeons.

Beginning work on programming the optional content in Iysta as well as continuing the Iysta story.


Visual update applied to the game. This will overhaul most of the visuals seen during battle when attacks/skills/magic are used by the player. Additional dialogue has been added to the game in certain parts for more immersion. Certain text is color coded to help with hints. Certain skills and abilities have gotten minor adjustments, but I will monitor them to ensure that players have a fair experience. A bug was fixed that is encountered at the end of the current story progression where the Default Gal character is in your party accidentally. Additional story progression is loaded in to this update but cannot be accessed yet.


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